The angel Clarence helps George Bailey see the error of his thoughts and George decides his life is worth living. He runs home to a wife and family who all hug him while the town collectively gives him the $8,000 deficit and more. Everyone sings Auld Lang Syne and the credits roll. This is the classical Hollywood ending, but have you ever wondered what happened right afterwards?
GEORGE: "Uh, so that's a lot of cash," (then aside to his wife,) "So, we have a packed house, huh?"
MARY: (aside to George) "Yeah, I tried to get the money from them at their houses, but they insisted on coming over here. Just keep smiling."
GEORGE: "Uh, so it's been a long day. (stammers) I'm kind of tired. Thanks for coming over everybody."
CROWD: (silenced unbelief)
MARY: (aside to George) "Well, that was blunt."
GEORGE: (aside to Mary) "If we were cordial, they would just stick around all night. Look at Martini. He's bringing out the wine."
MARY: (aside to George) "Because I told him to." (then to the stunned crowd) "Well, Merry Christmas."
MA BAILEY's MAID: "Give me my money back!"
UNCLE BILLY: (with bottle of wine in hand) "C'mon everybody. Let's all go spit in Potter's eye."
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